04651 248252



Service Wings



Motivating women towards higher specialization and research

Awakening the students by inculcating a sense of social responsibility

Empowering women through professional knowledge and skills

About Our College

The Infant Jesus College of Arts and Science in Mulagumoodu, Kanniyakumari District, is a Catholic Minority College for women run by the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, commonly known as ICM Sisters. It was started as a response to the appeal of the local people as well as the Congregation’s search for relevant and meaningful ministries that would empower the less privileged and the excluded groups in the society, women in particular.
The journey towards the birth of the College was long. It took six years of serious reflections, consultations and discernments at all levels to reach a decision. These were initiated by the then District Superior Sr. Rachel Oommen and her Council, and culminated in the approval by the General Team headed by Sr. Saveria Jeganathan, the Superior General. With the dynamic leadership of Sr. S. Dominic Mary and her Team, with endurance and determination to reach the goal, and with deep faith that if it is God’s mission it will come through, holding on to Truth and Christian values, all necessary requirements were obtained and was affiliated to the Manonmaniam Sundaranar University at Tirunelveli. On June 21, 2016, the Feast of our Mother Foundress, the College was blessed and inaugurated.


To promote the academic and administrative performance of IJCASW, through conscious, consistent and catalytic action

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Courses offered

Infant Jesus college of arts and science for women, mulagumoodu offers 07 Under Graduate courses and 03 Post graduate courses

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Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.

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Video Tour in Infant jesus

Take a tour in IJCASW and you will find the best college in the state. The video will take you to every places in this college.

College Emblem


An empowered woman is a beacon to the world


A remembrance of our Carmelite ICM heritage


(Globe and Cross) – in Christ, ICM participates in God’s Mission of restoring God’s Reign in the world

Secretary Message

Warm Greetings and delightful wishes to everyone. It gives me great pleasure to extend a warm and friendly welcome to both existing and expected students of young mind and their parents.We, the Missionary sisters of the [Immaculate Heart of Mary (JCM Sisters) were privileged to establish, Infant Jesus College of Arts and Science for Women at Mulagumoodu in Kanyakumari District which is located in the Southern part of Tamilnadu, It is alyo the blessed...

Principal Message

I am honoured and feel privileged to serve as the Principal of this esteemed College. The congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, popularly called ICM, a pioneer in the emancipation and empowerment of women, thought it fit to establish an Institute of Higher Education to cater to the needs of the young...
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